Beth Felsen

Success Coach and Autism Specialist

Helping families and young adults navigate life with autism

My Story


Through my 20 years of work in the autism community, one lesson became painfully clear – as students get older, the resources available to them decline dramatically. 

These transitions from high school to college and college to work are critically important. I have seen so many families struggle to navigate these changes on their own and I knew I could do something to help. So I started Spectrum Transition Coaching. We help families just like yours manage those transitions with great success and help young adults with autism thrive in college, career, and beyond.



My Education & Training

Master of Science, in Psychology, University of Maryland

Graduate Certificate, Autism Spectrum Disorder, George Mason University

AsperCoach Training, Asperger/Autism Network

UCLA PEERS for Young Adults Certified Instructor

Teens and College Students Executive Function Coach Training, JST Coaching

Family Navigator, Virginia Commonwealth University Center for Family Involvement

Peer Mentor, Autism Society of Northern Virginia

Greenwood System™ Trained Counselor

Preparing autistic young adults for success in college, career, and life

My Approach

I work one-on-one with families and young adults to navigate life transitions with autism. With specific, measurable steps, we’re able to overcome obstacles and help young adults succeed in college, career, and beyond. My coaching style combines my personal experience in the autism community with my years of study to support families.

Featured Resources

Schedule your free intro call here

or sign up below to get a free guide to navigating school or work with autism.