The lazy days of summer are numbered and soon it will be back to school season! For parents of autistic college students, that means planning for move-in day, buying supplies and hoping for a successful semester.

We can do better than just hoping for a smooth semester.

Let’s be proactive to help your student thrive this fall.

The College Semester Support package is specially designed for autistic college students. Here’s everything you need to know to decide if it’s right for your student.

What is the College Semester Support package?

Think of this package as an insurance policy on your tuition. Signing your student up for consistent, weekly check-ins with a coach helps them to stay accountable and on top of their coursework.

It’s much easier to stay ahead of your coursework than to catch up.

This package helps your student do just that. Here’s what’s included:

  • One 90-minute session at the beginning of the semester for syllabus review and calendar planning
  • Twelve 30-minute weekly check-ins help students stay organized, focused, and effective through finals
  • 60 additional minutes of coaching time to be scheduled by the student when they need a little extra support or guidance
  • Parent communication and updates as requested
  • Priority access for additional coaching hours or parent consultations as needed

Prefer visuals? Check out the timeline below for a summary. 

STC College Semester Support Timeline

Our work together taught me strategies on how to time manage assignments and readings. Working with Beth helped ease the workload of my classes and removed stress and anxiety from my hefty schedule!

Brandon A, past coaching client

Who is the College Semester Support package designed for?

This package is designed for current autistic college students. It is beneficial for any year of college student from freshmen through senior year – each year has it’s own unique challenges:

  • Freshmen students need help balancing coursework with life responsibilities in a new environment away from their support system. The first weeks of the fall semester often set the tone for the entire college experience.
  • Sophomore students may need help to avoid a sophomore slump and balance more intense courses as they dive into their field of study.
  • Juniors often feel additional pressure to line up internships or get involved in leadership positions on campus as graduation looms in the future.
  • Seniors are navigating major-specific courses and capstone projects while interviewing for full-time roles and processing the upcoming life transition after graduation.

How are parents involved?

Parents typically encourage the student to get started with coaching and complete the paperwork and payment. From there, I predominantly interact with the student. This is to encourage a sense of autonomy as they build independence as an adult.

If parents have concerns or request specific check-ins or questions, I’m happy to share those with the student.

Conversely, if your student shares anything concerning that I think the parents need to know about, I will share that information in a thoughtful way that protects the student’s privacy.

What if my student misses a session?

We know that college students are busy people!  If your student has to cancel or miss a session, we will do our best to accommodate them later in that week. If we can’t find a time that week, then they would miss out on that week’s session. We don’t reschedule sessions beyond the 12 weeks of the semeseter. 

Can I wait to see how the semester is going before signing up?

In order to get the best results, it is key to start coaching during the first week of the semester. This is when professors share their syllabi and we can work out a detailed plan to make sure that your student is set up for success.

If even a few weeks go by, your student is playing catch up which is often very hard to overcome.

Can’t my student get this from disability services on campus?

Possibly, but these offices are often understaffed so your student may have to wait to find the right person or service. This coaching package offers individualized and consistent coaching that can serve as a complement to disability services on campus and other accommodations for autistic college students.

What if I want to chat more to see if this is right for my family?

We’d love to learn more about your family’s situation. Send us a note here or schedule a quick call.

How do I sign up?

The best way to get started is to set up a quick call here to get started. We’ll have a quick 15-minute chat to learn more about your college student and walk through the next steps to reserve your spot for the College Semester Support package.