Spectrum Transition Coaching Blog
Stories, lessons and tips from my coaching practice
Career Exploration and How It Can Help Your Autistic Young Adult
No matter how old your autistic young adult is now, it's a worthwhile conversation to start thinking about career paths in the future. According to research by the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute out of Drexel University, only 58% of autistic young adults have worked in...

Summer Reading Recommendations
Looking for a great summer read? Check out our recommendations for parents and autistic young adults below. This is also a perfect opportunity to visit your local library. They are hidden gems full of valuable books - of course - but also so much more. Ask your...

Summer: An Excellent Time for Skill Building for Autistic Students
Summertime is just around the corner. This season is a huge opportunity for my autistic clients to focus on specific areas that they want to improve. Between family vacations and barbecues and pool days, we can see significant improvement in just a few short months....

Autism Awareness Month: What frames how we think about autism?
Graphic from USAID April marks Autism Acceptance Month! This is the 4th year since the shift from 'Autism Awareness' to 'Autism Acceptance,' a meaningful change focused on celebrating differences. When we dig deeper into the framing of our views on autism and...

Abstract and SMART Goals: How to set meaningful goals for you and your autistic student
We've all read the headlines: "A Foolproof System to Reach Your Goals This Week" "3 Simple Tools to Make Your Goals a Reality" "Accomplish Your Goals in the New Year with This Technique" These headlines promise magical tools and quick results. I wish I could tell you...
Past Blog Posts
Upcoming Webinar: When to Consider a Gap Year for Neurodivergent Students
Would a gap year be a...
Permission to Think about Yourself Too
When my kids were...
Upcoming Webinar: Self care for parents of neurodivergent kids
Caring for a...
Reading List for Parents: Autism and College Readiness
When we, as parents,...
Webinar about Navigating College: How to Select a Major
Choosing a major is a...
Top 3 Tips for Parenting Autistic Adults
Back when we found out...
Webinar with EASE
"The Talk" is about...
Volunteering: The Ultimate Jumping Off Point for Autistic Young Adults
Success often hinges on...
Upcoming Webinar! Volunteering: A Skill-Building Opportunity for Autistic Young Adults
Volunteering is an...
Coaching and Therapy: How to decide what is right for your student
In the world of autism,...
Fall Semester Roadmap: Your 4-week Plan to a Smooth Semester at College
It’s been a long road...
Why Social Communication Matters (and a free webinar invite!)
When I talk with...
Is a Gap Year Right for My Student? A Guest Post by Eric Endlich, Ph.D.
Today I'm honored to...
Help Wanted: Tools and Resources to Help You Find, Get, and Keep a Job
‘Tis the season! No,...
Our Most Popular Posts
2022 keeps marching...
Featured Resources
- thearcofnova.org/programs/transition The ARC of NOVA
- fairfaxcounty.gov/community-services-board/ Fairfax County
- aane.org Aspergers / Autism Network
- asnv.org The Autism Society of Northern Virginia
- ds.gmu.edu/mason-autism-support-initiative George Mason Autism Support Initiative
- collegesteps.org College Steps